On September 29, one day after Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah was confirmed killed in a massive Israeli strike ...
Susan Abdulrahman (a pseudonym), had little choice. Last year, she was forced to hand over gold jewelry and money to a man ...
As Said Ayoub Darwish sheltered with his family in an open field in Lebanon’s eastern Bekaa Valley on Tuesday evening, his ...
For a week after photojournalist Bakr al-Qassem was detained in northern Aleppo in late August, nobody was certain where he ...
The government of Iraqi Kurdistan is once more granting entry visas to Syrian passport holders, but limits them to those with interviews scheduled at foreign consulates and embassies. Meanwhile, it ...
RAQQA — A tent made of burlap on the bank of the Euphrates River just south of Raqqa city is the only shelter for Yazi al-Kartan, 39, and her four children have known for around seven years. Al-Kartan ...
بينما فر عشرات الآلاف من لبنان إلى سوريا خلال أيام، فإن العديد من السوريين يخاطرون بالبقاء تحت القصف تفادياً عوضاً عن المخاطرة بالعودة إلى ...
أربيل، الحسكة- بعد منتصف ليلة الثامن من حزيران/ يونيو الماضي، أصيب حسن أحمد (اسم مستعار)، 44 عاماً، بطلق ناري في قدمه اليسرى من مسلحين ملثمين، أثناء محاولته نقل سيارة أحد أقاربه المعطلة بالقرب من قرية ...
AFRIN — Rankin Muhammad (a pseudonym) remembers Afrin’s Maydanki Lake as it once was. In her youth, she spent weekends with friends in its forest, waters and small island. “It was an outlet for us ...