On September 29, one day after Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah was confirmed killed in a massive Israeli strike ...
Susan Abdulrahman (a pseudonym), had little choice. Last year, she was forced to hand over gold jewelry and money to a man ...
As Said Ayoub Darwish sheltered with his family in an open field in Lebanon’s eastern Bekaa Valley on Tuesday evening, his ...
For a week after photojournalist Bakr al-Qassem was detained in northern Aleppo in late August, nobody was certain where he ...
RAQQA — A tent made of burlap on the bank of the Euphrates River just south of Raqqa city is the only shelter for Yazi al-Kartan, 39, and her four children have known for around seven years. Al-Kartan ...
بينما فر عشرات الآلاف من لبنان إلى سوريا خلال أيام، فإن العديد من السوريين يخاطرون بالبقاء تحت القصف تفادياً عوضاً عن المخاطرة بالعودة إلى ...
أربيل، الحسكة- بعد منتصف ليلة الثامن من حزيران/ يونيو الماضي، أصيب حسن أحمد (اسم مستعار)، 44 عاماً، بطلق ناري في قدمه اليسرى من مسلحين ملثمين، أثناء محاولته نقل سيارة أحد أقاربه المعطلة بالقرب من قرية ...
QAMISHLI — Up until March 2023, Marwa, 30, had a routine. Every week, she and her sister took turns collecting water from a public tank in Hasakah city’s al-Nashwa neighborhood and carrying it home.
IDLIB — “There is no security or stability that encourages women to participate,” Rabia al-Harami said. As a member of the Future Syria Gathering party in northwestern Syria, she is one of very few ...